


Hydroxylase related products

Structure Cat No. Product Name CAS No. Product Description
R-内匹司他盐酸盐 V0937 (R)-Nepicastat HCl [RS-25560-198 HCl] 195881-94-8 R)-Nepicastat HCl (R-SYN117; R-SYN-117;R-RS-25560-198 HCl), the R-enantiomer of Nepicastat HCl (RS-25560-197;SYN117; SYN-117; RS25560197), is a selective inhibitor with IC50 of 25.1 nM and 18.3 nM for bovine and human dopamine-β-hydroxylases (enzymes catalyzing the transformation of dopamine to norepinephrine) with the potential to treat congestive heart failure.
Ro 61-8048 V2876 Ro 61-8048 199666-03-0 Ro 61-8048 (Ro-618048) is a novel, high-affinity, oral, potent and selective kynurenine hydroxylaseinhibitor (IC50 = 37 nM) with anti-dyskinesia activity.
二甲基乙二酰氨基乙酸 V0936 DMOG (dimethyloxaloylglycine) 89464-63-1 DMOG (also called dimethyloxaloylglycine) is a novel, potent and cell permeable antagonist of α-ketoglutarate cofactor and competitive inhibitor for HIF prolyl hydroxylase with neuro- andcardioprotective effects.
四氢罂粟碱盐酸盐 V0935 Tetrahydropapaverine HCl 6429-04-5 Tetrahydropapaverine HCl (also called Norlaudanosine HCl), the hydrochloride salt ofTetrahydropapaverine, is a papaverine analog and a neuromuscular blocking agent with neurotoxic effects on dopamine neurons.
异维A酸 V0933 Isotretinoin 4759-48-2 Isotretinoin(Accutane; Myorisan; Zenatane; 13-cis retinoic acid) is a topically used medication approved for the treatment of severe cystic acne.
特罗司他 V2614 Telotristat (LP-778902) 1033805-28-5 Telotristat (formerlyknown as LP-778902; LP778902) is the active metabolite of LX1606 (LX-1606; Telotristat etiprate) which is an orally bioavailable and small-molecule inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH, IC50= 0.028 μM) with potential antiserotonergic activity.
特罗司他马尿酸盐 V0938 Telotristat Etiprate (LX 1606 Hippurate) 1137608-69-5 Telotristat Etiprate (LX1606 etiprate; LX1032; LX-1032; LX-1606) is the hippuratesaltoftelotristatethyl, which isa prodrug ofTelotristat.
盐酸内匹司他 V0932 Nepicastat (SYN-117) HCl 170151-24-3 Nepicastat HCl (SYN-117; SYN 117;RS-25560-197; RS 25560-197), the hydrochloride salt ofNepicastat, is a potent and selective inhibitor of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine) with the potential to treat CHF-congestive heart failure.
米屈肼 V0934 Mildronate 76144-81-5 Mildronate (Quaterin; Meldonium; Kvaterin; Mildronate),a structural analogue of gammabutyrobetaine and performance-enhancing drug developed by Latvia Institute of Organic Synthesis, is a potent inhibitor of biosynthesis of L-carnitine by gamma-butyrobetaine (GBB) hydroxylase, also a competitive inhibitor of renal carnitine reabsorption.
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