
Glucosylceramide Synthase

Glucosylceramide Synthase

The first reaction of ceramide glycosylation in sphingolipid metabolism is catalyzed by glucosylceramide synthase (GCS), which changes ceramide into glucosylceramide. By regulating ceramide and glycosphingolipids (GSLs), this glycosylation by GCS is a crucial step in controlling the modulation of cellular activities. Ceramide levels rise in response to stresses like chemotherapy, which causes cells to enter apoptosis or autophagy. Ceramide glycosylation, however, quickly removes ceramide and, as a result, these induced processes, protecting cancer cells.Additionally, persistently increased ceramide glycosylation can raise GSLs and contribute to the selection of drug-resistant cancer cells. In numerous drug-resistant cancer cells as well as breast, colon, and leukemia tumors that exhibit a poor response to chemotherapy, GCS is overexpressed. Inhibition of GCS makes cancer cells more susceptible to anticancer medications and kills cancer stem cells because ceramide glycosylation by GCS is a rate-limiting step in GSL synthesis.

Glucosylceramide Synthase related products

Structure Cat No. Product Name CAS No. Product Description
依利格鲁司特 V6861 Eliglustat (GENZ-112638, Genz 99067, Cerdelga) 491833-29-5 Eliglustat (GENZ-112638, Genz-99067, GENZ112638, Genz99067,Cerdelga) is a novel, potent, specific and orally bioactive glucocerebroside synthase inhibitor (IC50= 24 nM) approved by FDA in 2014 for the treatment for Gauchers disease.
酒石酸依利格鲁司特 V5886 Eliglustat tartrate 928659-70-5 Eliglustattartrate (GENZ-112638; Genz-99067; Cerdelga), the tartrate salt of eliglustat, isa specific and orally bioactiveglucocerebroside synthaseinhibitor (IC50= 24 nM) that has been approved by the FDA in August 2014 for thetreatment for Gauchers disease type 1 (GD1).
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