PDI (Protein disulfide isomerases) is a 55-kDa protein and consists of four domains namely a, b, b', a'.The enzyme PDI is widely distributed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). A crucial oxidase, reductase, isomerase, and molecular chaperone is PDI, a model thiol isomerase. When proteins are folded in the ER, it can catalyze the production and cleavage of thiol-disulfide linkages and discriminate between substrates that are partially folded, unfolded, and properly folded. Additionally, PDI can stabilize the class 1 peptide loading complex (PLC) of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and preserve the active conformation of the collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase's subunit. PDI expression is increased in some cancer types.